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May’s Dallas Blooms Senior Portraits

May is a senior at JJ Pearce High School and will be graduating in less than 2 months!  After graduation May plans to attend UT-Tyler and then on to the University of Texas at Austin.  She is excited to attend the same school as her older sister!  As a parent myself, having your daughters not only close but friends is the greatest blessing ever!

Speaking of parents, May was not only accompanied by her mom, her awesome dad joined us, too!  And can I just say, he was a “rockstar” in more ways than one!  He helped with getting us from point A to point B and brought the fun with his rock & roll antics when he got lost in the music for a bit at the bandshell by the lake!  May, you are an awesome gal and truly have the best family.  I have no doubt you are going to do many awesome things during college and beyond.  All my best to you!

Enjoy some of my absolute favorite images from May’s Dallas Blooms senior portrait session at the beautiful Dallas Arboretum!

[envira-gallery slug=”mays-dallas-blooms-senior-portraits”]

  1. scott miller says:

    Beautiful images and lots of variety. The gardens look like an amazing place to do sessions as well.

    • Deborah Aldridge says:

      Thanks so much, Scott! Yes, these gardens in Dallas are really a true gift to our city and so much variety to be found every single time you visit!

  2. Audrey Dolt says:

    Love her outfits!

  3. Cammy says:

    The arboretum is so magical! I love the variety you were able to capture as well! Such a fun spring session and an awesome way to enjoy the spring bloom.

  4. Mary Parnell says:

    Love the variety , beautiful images

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