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Bradford’s Senior Portrait Session – Richardson, TX

“Good things come to those who wait.’  I have heard that quote many times over my lifetime and used it often myself.  How does this apply to this session?  Well, we actually waited a full year to capture Bradford’s senior portraits.  So, I supposed these could be more aptly titled, Bradford’s early college session!  Regardless, I am so honored to have had the opportunity to capture this special time in his life for his wonderful family!

I love the locations that we selected for Bradford.  East-side and Prairie Creek Park in Richardson, Texas as this is his home town where many good memories were made so it was a perfect choice!  Richardson offers so many hidden gems for portraits with fountains, steps, beautiful buildings and gorgeous parks.  Your choices are plentiful!

Enjoy a few of my favorites from Bradford’s, taken a tad later on the calendar, senior portraits and a few bonus pics from his Football specialty!

[envira-gallery id=”949″]

In addition to Bradford’s portrait session, I had the opportunity to capture a few images of him in action on the football field in his sports specialty.  When you spend 4 years of your high school journey on a particular sport, I highly recommend capturing professional sports images of them doing what they love.  These are sure to be images you will treasure for a lifetime.

[envira-gallery id=”964”]

Blessings to you, Bradford!  I have enjoyed the journey with you and your family so much and cannot wait to see what the future holds!  No doubt, great things!  All the best!

  1. Jodi Major says:

    What a wonderful senior portrait session for this high school senior. Looks like you captured him perfectly! Great memories

  2. Susan says:

    I love that you were able to incorporate some Football images in this guy’s senior portrait session. What a treasure these will be for his family.

  3. Deborah, you do such beautiful work with your seniors! I love that you offer bonus sessions to include not only traditional senior portraits, but Sports pictures as well! The locations in Richardson, Texas are perfect for senior guys!

  4. Brandi says:

    I love the formal portraits, but as a sports mom the football ones are my favorite! I love that you offer that for your senior clients!

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